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Tis the season to spend money! Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

Mustn’t disappoint your honey! Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

Pressures mounting, wallets thinning! Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la.

Wait, this season’s got me spinning! Buy-buy-buy-buy-buy, bye-bye-bye-bye!

Whew! Swept up in the frenzy and excitement of the season, from every form of media and in every brick and mortar store comes the relentless drive and push to spend your hard-earned money. “You don’t want to be a loser like Scrooge, do you?” Ho-Ho the mistletoe, dragging you along! Lavish gifts you must bestow! Help, this feels so wrong! Remember how long you waited in line to buy that trendy jewelry that cost you half a week’s take home pay, turned her wrist green with purple spots, and helped that company’s leadership join the billionaires’ club? What were you thinking?

You were thinking you had finally found that special gift for her, something to take her breath away with its message of love and render her speechless with delight in your understanding. And it did when you gave it to her! But… when the itching began and purple spots appeared her breath became a heavy sigh. Her beautiful eyes clouded with disappointment. That image still haunts you. “It wasn’t my fault!” you tell yourself. And she agrees. “Only now, I really don’t know what she wants or what to give her this year.”

We might be able to help! Look into your heart and ask yourself if you want to give her a tangible and beautiful expression of your love and adoration for her. If so, then consider giving her “Courtship of the Rose”! As the perfect gift from heart to heart, “Courtship of the Rose” won’t turn her wrist green, cause her to itch, or break out in spots! Instead, the blush of passion and tears of joy in those beautiful eyes could be yours to behold every time she experiences all “Courtship of the Rose” has to offer. Remember, love goes with everything. Sound too good to be true? Check out our disclaimer:

“Courtship of the Rose” is a work of fiction.

Any actual romance is the sole responsibility of the parties involved… Please Court Responsibly!