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What have you been up to lately… JACK?

What have you been up to lately… JACK?

The new website is here! The new website is here! Oh, happy days, the new JACK Publishing LLC website is finally here! We just launched our updated website. Please visit us at to find out Who We Are.

Time passes… Lessons are learned… Technology changes… Website content, focus, and direction need to be juggled skillfully for us to provide a personable experience when you visit. Notice we didn’t say “user friendly”? That’s because to us, you are a one-of-a-kind human being with thoughts, dreams, emotions, triumphs and tribulations, likes and dislikes, and are not a “user” upon whom to unleash cold AI driven cookie bots! Please feel free to use our Contact Us page to let us know your thoughts and impressions, provide suggestions, etc. We’d love to hear from you, as long as you treat our authors and the people of JACK Publishing LLC in the same way you wish to be treated.

Our website is the journal of our wandering through the digital environment, so it will continue to evolve in accordance with the Tao of JACK Publishing LLC and not the Tao of “Ooh Shiny” so prevalent these days. Our virtual door is always open…